Python programming 8 Music with mouse-drawn lines by PyGame
I revised my previous program "Small interactive music maker" and now melody is made from mouse-drawn lines. Actually, change is not big. Instead of my Fourier series function, two key functions are included as - draw lines with mouse by pygame - from line to fx Drawing lines from below. This must be some pretty fun for kids! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blog 8 Some versions of pygame may have some bug. Need " pip install pygame==2.0.0.dev6 " import pygame, math, sys, time import pygame.midi # use pygame.midi (not Mido) from random import random, choice pygame.init() # initialize Pygame pygame.midi.init() # initialize Pygame MIDI port = pygame.midi.Output(0) # port open port.set_instrument(53, channel = 0) # Voice port.set_instrument(0, channel = 1) # piano port.set_instrument(33, channel = 2) # bass X = 900 ...
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