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Python programming 8 Music with mouse-drawn lines by PyGame

I revised my previous program "Small interactive music maker" and now melody is made from mouse-drawn lines. Actually, change is not big. Instead of my Fourier series function, two key functions are included as - draw lines with mouse by pygame - from line to fx Drawing lines from below. This must be some pretty fun for kids!   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- blog 8 Some versions of pygame may have some bug. Need " pip install pygame==2.0.0.dev6 " import pygame, math, sys, time import pygame.midi # use pygame.midi (not Mido) from random import random, choice pygame.init() # initialize Pygame pygame.midi.init() # initialize Pygame MIDI port = pygame.midi.Output(0) # port open port.set_instrument(53, channel = 0) # Voice port.set_instrument(0, channel = 1) # piano port.set_instrument(33, channel = 2) # bass X = 900 ...

Welcome to my blog.


This blog is for someone interested in composing music automatically using python.

Python has a library 'Mido' which can handle Midi messages. Using Mido library, with input of basic structure of a song, such as key, scale and chord progression, a program make a music score.

Basic process of a composition is as below,

1. Input basic structure of a song, such as key, scale and chord progression as python lists. Play whole or a part of chord progressions by python to review and refine.

  e.g. 1st phrase. key is C major. chord progression is ["I", "VI", "V", "V7"]

2. For each phrase, melody is made by some rules:

   - Pitch moves up or down mostly by one or two within a scale randomly. 

   - Use some Fourier series to develop pitch movements. Then fit to closest scale or chord pitches.  

4. Add some drum and bass patterns.

5. Output midi score to DAW. Set some VST instruments and output audio file by DAW.

I'll show the details later.
